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HomeBreaking NewsSheriffs Rally Around Dan Kelly for Wisconsin Supreme Court

Sheriffs Rally Around Dan Kelly for Wisconsin Supreme Court


Dan Kelly, a conservative who is running for state Supreme Court in the February primary, has been endorsed by a growing list of Wisconsin sheriffs, the most law enforcement support received by any candidate in the race so far.

After seeing Kelly tweet out a number of law enforcement endorsements, we asked his campaign for a comprehensive list. Here is the list, as of Dec. 1, 2022. The campaign listed 18, including high-profile WOW county endorsements like Waukesha County Sheriff Eric Severson, Ozaukee County Sheriff James Johnson, and Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis.

Kelly, a former state Supreme Court justice, is facing Waukesha County Judge Jennifer Dorow, a chief judge who is also a conservative, and two liberal judges in the February primary. The race is for control of the court.

Janet Protaseiwicz, one of the two liberal judges, lists only 2 sheriffs (one retired) on her website. Instead, she touts endorsements from defense attorneys, other judges, and liberal politicians, like state Rep. Jonathan Brostoff. The other liberal in the race, Everett Mitchell, has been endorsed by former Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle and lists eight law enforcement endorsements, including a patrol officer. We haven’t found a list of endorsements for Dorow yet, but she just got in the race, so that could be forthcoming.

Dan Kelly Sheriff Endorsements

Sheriff Eric Severson, Waukesha County
Sheriff James Johnson, Ozaukee County
Sheriff Kurt Picknell, Walworth County
Retired Sheriff David Graves, Walworth County
Incoming Sheriff Dave Gerber, Walworth County
Sheriff Dale Schmidt, Dodge County
Sheriff Martin Schulteis, Washington County
Sheriff Larry Woebbeking, Taylor County
Sheriff Kevin Bygd, Dunn County
Sheriff Brent Waak, Polk County
Sheriff Mark Westen, Langlade County
Sheriff Nate Dreckman, Grant County
Sheriff Scott Parks, Marathon County
Sheriff Joe Konrath, Marquette County
Incoming Sheriff David Zoerner, Kenosha County
Sheriff Roger Brandner, Columbia County
Sheriff Mark Podoll, Green Lake County
Sheriff Jeff Wolf, La Crosse County


Waukesha County Sheriff

“When it comes to public safety, I’m not willing to take a chance. That’s why I’m asking everyone to join me in supporting Justice Daniel Kelly for the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Justice Kelly believes in upholding the rule of law and defending our constitutional republic from those who wish to terrorize our fellow citizens with violent crime and infringe on our inherent rights.”


Ozaukee County Sheriff

“My entire career as a law enforcement officer has been focused on upholding law and order and I can wholeheartedly say the same for Justice Kelly. He believes in making judicial decisions based on the law as written and not on what he thinks it should say. The next Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice should be someone who believes in the Constitution and decides cases according to the law without fear or favor.

When we in law enforcement make arrests, the expectation is that justice will be served, and judges and justices will hold those convicted accountable according to the law. We have the same expectation for our Supreme Court Justices. Daniel Kelly not only meets those expectations but exceeds them.”


Walworth County Sheriff

“We in law enforcement are committed to upholding the law in order to keep our communities safe. Justice Daniel Kelly has the same commitment to the rule of law when making decisions from the state’s Supreme Court bench and will continue to do so when elected as the next Supreme Court Justice this spring. Justice Kelly has been unwavering in his belief in the constitution and deliberately following the law as written.”


Dodge County Sheriff

“My priority in law enforcement has always been the safety of lives, property, and the protection of constitutional rights. Justice Daniel Kelly feels the same way when it comes to the law and protecting the constitutional rights of all Wisconsin citizens. We need someone on the Wisconsin Supreme Court who will stand up for the rule of law and make decisions based on what the law says and not what someone wishes it said. That’s why I’m asking everyone to join me in supporting Justice Daniel Kelly for the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”


Washington County Sheriff

“Law enforcement officers shouldn’t consider whether they personally agree with a law before they arrest someone for breaking that law. The same idea holds true for Supreme Court Justices. They should put personal politics aside and make decisions based on the law as written and not how they wish it were written.

That’s why I’m endorsing Justice Daniel Kelly for the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Justice Kelly has a solid record of applying the law to cases before him and standing by the constitution when it comes to our rights, and freedoms. This is not the time to settle for less. Join me in supporting Justice Daniel Kelly for the Wisconsin Supreme Court”


Taylor County Sheriff

“Now is not the time to allow judicial activists to control our Wisconsin Supreme Court. Wisconsin needs a constitutional conservative like Justice Daniel Kelly back on the court’s bench. More than ever, we need someone who will apply the law as written and protect the rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution. That someone is Daniel Kelly.”


Dunn County Sheriff

“Justice Kelly is a true believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. When we as law enforcement officers carry out our duty to protect our communities, we want to be sure the judiciary looks at the law the same way we do. I am confident that Justice Kelly will make decisions on the Supreme Court bench that are true to our laws as written and will continue to protect the constitutional rights of all Wisconsin citizens as he has done in the past.”


Polk County Sheriff

“In Polk County we pride ourselves on providing professional, ethical, and respectful law enforcement services to our citizens. Justice Daniel Kelly approached his previous term on the Wisconsin Supreme Court in much the same way. Respect for the law, ethical in his decision-making process and professional in his dealings with fellow justices and citizens. We need a justice like Daniel Kelly back on the Supreme Court and that’s why I am endorsing him.”

“Justice Kelly will leave policy making to the lawmakers and uphold the law and remain faithful to the Constitution. Join me in supporting Justice Daniel Kelly for the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”


Langlade County Sheriff

“Justice Daniel Kelly has supported law enforcement throughout his entire career, and I support Justice Kelly for his courage to apply the law as written by lawmakers.”

“It is more important than ever to have a Supreme Court Justice who will make decisions based on the rule of law and remain faithful to the constitution. That’s why I’m asking everyone to join me in supporting Justice Daniel Kelly for the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”


Walworth County Sheriff

“Making sure the people of Wisconsin are promised equal justice under the law by upholding the Constitution is a primary duty of a Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice. Justice Daniel Kelly understands this duty. Justice Kelly will interpret and enforce the law as it is written. He will be tough on crime making the State of Wisconsin a safer place. Justice Kelly possesses proven experienced judicial leadership. Please join me in supporting law enforcement’s choice for Wisconsin Supreme Court, Justice Daniel Kelly.”


Grant County Sheriff

“As a law enforcement officer, it’s very important to me that our constitutional rights are protected. I know that is also a priority for Justice Daniel Kelly. That’s why I support him in his effort to be elected to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Justice Kelly believes personal politics should have no place in the deliberations of the court. The only thing that matters is what the law outlines as written and how it applies to the case at hand without trying to second guess lawmakers. Please join me in supporting Justice Daniel Kelly for the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”

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Jim Piwowarczyk
Jim Piwowarczyk is an investigative journalist and co-founder of Wisconsin Right Now. Married with 3 kids, a chocolate lab, and a german shepherd. Jim served as a police officer in Wisconsin for more than 20 years. His career started as a police officer in Milwaukee County in 1994 as a patrol officer, until he was promoted to patrol sergeant in 2003 where he worked until he left in 2009 to pursue business aspirations. Jim Piwowarczyk was a field training officer, evidence technician & hostage negotiator and conducted many drug investigations. Jim continued to work part-time for an area police department. Jim is avid real estate investor, and small business owner & developer. Jim has coached youth football and basketball. Jim is also an avid fisherman and hunter.

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